Rules which enforce generally accepted best practices.
Table of Contents

DontNestJsfInJstlIteration ✏️️

Since: PMD 3.6

Priority: Medium (3)

Do not nest JSF component custom actions inside a custom action that iterates over its body.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//Element[ @Name="c:forEach" ] // Element[ @NamespacePrefix="h" or @NamespacePrefix="f" ]


      <c:forEach items='${books}' var='b'>
        <li> <h:outputText value='#{b}' /> </li>

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/jsp/bestpractices.xml/DontNestJsfInJstlIteration" />

NoClassAttribute ✏️️

Since: PMD 3.6

Priority: Medium High (2)

Do not use an attribute called ‘class’. Use "styleclass" for CSS styles.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//Attribute[ upper-case(@Name)="CLASS" ]


<P class="MajorHeading">Some text</P>

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/jsp/bestpractices.xml/NoClassAttribute" />

NoHtmlComments ✏️️

Since: PMD 3.6

Priority: Medium High (2)

In a production system, HTML comments increase the payload between the application server to the client, and serve little other purpose. Consider switching to JSP comments.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:



<HTML><title>bad example><BODY>
<!-- HTML comment -->

<HTML><title>good example><BODY>
<%-- JSP comment --%>

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/jsp/bestpractices.xml/NoHtmlComments" />

NoJspForward ✏️️

Since: PMD 3.6

Priority: Medium (3)

Do not do a forward from within a JSP file.

This rule is defined by the following XPath expression:

//Element[ @Name="jsp:forward" ]


<jsp:forward page='UnderConstruction.jsp'/>

Use this rule by referencing it:

<rule ref="category/jsp/bestpractices.xml/NoJspForward" />